If you have taken it upon yourself to file for social security and you know that you have made errors and you fear that the application may not get accepted as you need, you will have to prepare for the denial. You want to start figuring out why you got denied, and you will want to find an attorney in the area that handles these types of cases. Here are some of the things that you have to take into consideration and ways that you can try to get it pushed through the second time.
Wait Until You Get Officially Denied
If you know you are going to get denied or you have a strong feeling you may, wait until you get the denial to meet with an attorney. You will have to pay for an attorney for a consultation and there is nothing the lawyer can do to stop the application while it's being processed, so you would be wasting your money.
Take Your Denied Application to a Lawyer
Once you have the denied application in hand you want to take it to an attorney's office. They will go through to see where you submitted incorrect answers or possibly why you got denied because of your circumstance.
The lawyer will assess why you've applied, look at the medical evidence provided but your health professional, and then determine if you should be reapplying again or not. If the lawyer thinks that you could reapply successfully, follow through.
Get Medical Documentation
Make sure that you have medical documentation about any physical or mental condition that they are suffering from. Have the medical professional state why you aren't able to work, why you won't be able to work in the future, and what treatment you may need. This is an easy way to prove that working won't be possible for you, and without income it's difficult to survive.
Your lawyer may have some other things that they want you to do before you are able to reapply and send in the application. Having the lawyers prepare the applications for you helps you minimize the chance that the application will get denied, and it also lowers the risk that there are any mistakes on the application. If you have applied for social security and you aren't sure why your application isn't going through, it's time to have a backup plan and a legal professional.
For more information, contact a local social security lawyer.