Home From Work And Workers' Compensation Benefits

Work injuries can range from minor to extremely serious. In many cases, the worker needs time off work to recuperate. Workers' compensation pays for the worker to do that in certain circumstances so read on to find out more.

Following Doctor's Orders

Your work-related injury must be seen by a medical doctor if you want to be paid valuable benefits. See a doctor, whether it's an emergency room doctor or your own doctor, at once after your injury. Then, follow up with the workers' compensation insurer for instructions on who to see after that. Some insurers allow you to see who you wish but some provide you with a list of certain doctors.

You must abide by the workers' compensation rules unless it's a hardship to see an approved doctor. If you encounter problems with your doctor, speak to your state workers' compensation board and then speak to a workers' comp lawyer so that you take advantage of your rights. It is your doctor who makes the decision to keep you home from work and who sends you back to work when you are ready.

Partial Income Provided

Known by various names, hurt workers ordered to stay home may be paid disability pay or workers' comp pay. This pay, however, is not considered income and is only a fraction of your usual rate of pay. If you follow the rules and are ordered to remain home, you will be paid.

Medical Expenses Paid

In addition to a partial income replacement, you are also covered for any medical expenses. If treatment is ordered by your doctor, you can expect to pay nothing for that care. If you need the help of a specialist, make sure you are referred by your doctor. You should not have to use your own health care to pay for any workers' compensation-covered procedures.

You Get Examined 

Some workers are asked to participate in a special type of medical exam. The independent medical examination is not performed by your current workers' comp doctor but by a new doctor that you likely have not seen before. They won't be prescribing any medications or treating you during this exam. Instead, they will be determining how much more, if any, the time you need off work. They will question you about your injury and treatment up to now and they will ask you about your current level of health given your injury. They may also perform some diagnostic testing like X-rays and the like.

It's vital that you don't allow the insurer to force you into any situation you disagree with. You have rights to second opinions, appeals, hearings, mediation, and more when the workers' comp insurer treats you unfairly. 

To learn more, contact a company like Williams & Swee.
